Field Observations:
What a joy it is to observe a wetland. I am continually amazed by the incredible resiliency and determination of wetland inhabitants to not only survive, but thrive. The night before I headed out to the wetland, an intense storm rolled through the area. Wind, rain, and hail pounded the wetland, breaking branches and spreading leaves across the ground. When I ventured out to the wetland the next day, I discovered, to my amazement, that there was relatively little destruction. One tree was broken a little more than it was before, and large areas of grasses among the cattails were bent over and tangled. The high winds had disturbed the water of the pond enough that the thick layer of duckweed and algae that normally covers most of the surface was broken up and covered a smaller area.
When walking around the wetland, I was able to see a surprising amount of wildlife, especially for the 72 degree (F) and gusty day. A beautiful giant swallowtail butterfly was fluttering around and feeding on a swamp milkweed plant. I could have stayed there for hours watching the delicate dance of the butterfly as it drank the nectar from the flowers. It was amazing to see the butterfly hover just above the flower, then grab on just before a blast of wind would violently shake the plant. The butterfly would drink the nectar, then continue on to another swamp milkweed and latch on to drink the nectar, all the while continuously flapping its wings in an attempt to stay attached on the flower in the gusty winds.
Upon reaching the southwest corner of the wetland, I had the treat of seeing several painted turtles sunning themselves on logs. They, like many of the other animals, are incredibly difficult to photograph since they are so leery of larger animals, especially humans. I had to be careful to not move too quickly or make any sudden movements, so as to not scare the turtles into the water for cover. I felt as though I was so far away that the pictures would never turn out, and narrowly missed a picture of a turtle leaping off of a log into the water.
Unfortunately, with all of the gusty winds, I did not see many dragonflies. I have really enjoyed attempting to photograph them, and was looking forward to practicing my photography skills with them. I also was not given the opportunity to view any large birds around the wetland. The usual families of geese were absent when I went out for my observations. However, there was evidence that the geese had been there recently in the form of algae pathways created from the swimming birds.
After walking around the edge of the wetland, I had seen an amazing number of organisms that were able to survive the intense storm. There were several frogs along the bank, butterflies dancing among the flowers, turtles sunning themselves on logs, and a few small songbirds in the trees. Most of the plants were able to bounce back from the high winds. The cattails stood tall among the many bent over grasses along the shoreline. The trees were resilient and held their ground against the battering of the storm. I continue to fall in love with the plants and animals that call the Kessling Wetland home, and am honored to be welcomed there day after day.
Ecotones around the Wetland:
A simple definition of an ecotone is the transition area of vegetation between two plant communities that has some characteristics of both communities. These can be large or small in area and provide a unique environment that is often beneficial to members of the two neighboring communities. In other words, an ecotone is an area where two types of habitat come into contact and provide habitat for organisms that live in both of the neighboring habitats.
Ecotones can be further described as discrete, convoluted, or diffuse. Discrete ecotones have a distinct boundary between the two ecosystems. Convoluted ecotones have a difficult to define boundary between the two ecosystems due to a large amount of intermixing. Diffuse ecotones are spread over a wide area and are also difficult to distinguish the exact boundary between the two ecosystems.
The Kessling Wetland is surrounded by several other ecosystems that are distinct from the wetland. Most of the eastern shoreline is bordered by forest with a path dividing the two communities. The southwestern corner is also bordered by forest as well. The southern edge of the wetland is bordered by a prairie, along with the northwestern edge. The northeastern edge of the wetland has a difficult to define border. It is mostly met by the mowed lawn of the Kessling Farmstead and the scattered trees between the farmstead and Reith Village.
The image above was taken while standing on the western shore looking to the eastern shore. Directly behind me is a prairie, and on the opposite shore you can see the forest meeting the edge of the wetland. Since there is a path that travels directly along this transition area, the eastern edge has a discrete ecotone. There is a definitive place where the forest and wetland meet with a minimal transition zone.
The image above, taken on 18.07.2014, captures several ecotones. The photograph was taken while standing in the northeastern corner of the wetland, looking to the west. Near the area of the Reith Village buildings, there is an area that lacks trees, planted with prairie plants and having several paths throughout the area, this is another discrete ecotone. There is some transition space, but the path creates a more abrupt change than would be seen in a more natural setting. Just to the south of Reith Village, there is a stand of trees that grows right up to the waters edge. There is a fair amount of mixing between forest and wetland species in this area, leading me to believe it is a convoluted ecotone. To the northeast of Reith Village, closer to where the picture was taken, is an area with a convoluted ecotone. The two ecosystems blend in a complex manner that it is difficult to determine where one begins and the other ends.
Encyclopedia Brittannica. (2014). Ecotone. Retrieved from:
Graves, R. (2011). Ecotone. Retrieved from
Graves, R. (2011). Ecotone. Retrieved from
Four new species:
Giant Swallowtail Butterfly (Papilio cresphontes)
Among the largest of the North American butterflies, the Giant Swallowtail measures up to 5 1/2 inches wide. These beautiful insects are commonly found in deciduous forests and citrus orchards across most of the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. Giant Swallowtails are identified by the brown to black wings with yellow spots and stripes on the upper surface. The underside of the wings is yellow in appearance with some grid-like black markings. The caterpillars feed on the leaves and flesh of citrus plants, while the adults feed on flower nectar.
This particular adult Giant Swallowtail was seen near the edge of the wetland feeding on a swamp milkweed flower. The abundance of these flowers likely attracted this Giant Swallowtail to the area.
Milne, L., & M. Milne. (1980). National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Insects and Spiders. New York, NY. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Butterflies and Moths of North America. (2014). Attributes of Papilio cresphontes. Retrieved from:
This particular adult Giant Swallowtail was seen near the edge of the wetland feeding on a swamp milkweed flower. The abundance of these flowers likely attracted this Giant Swallowtail to the area.
Milne, L., & M. Milne. (1980). National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Insects and Spiders. New York, NY. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Butterflies and Moths of North America. (2014). Attributes of Papilio cresphontes. Retrieved from:
Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta)
Found throughout most of the northern and eastern United States in slow-moving shallow streams, rivers, and lakes, the Painted Turtle is at home in the Kessling Wetland. Painted Turtles have a characteristic set of yellow and red stripes on their neck, legs, and tail. The shell, or carapace, also has red bars or crescents along the edge. There are several sub-species of Painted Turtles. These each have a slightly different painted pattern, and are easiest to distinguish based upon the location of the turtle.
Painted Turtles are found most often in the southwest corner of the Kessling Wetland where the water is more protected from high winds and disturbance. There are many logs in this area that the turtles sun themselves on. They also especially enjoy the soft bottom and ample vegetation of Kessling Wetland.
Painted Turtles are found most often in the southwest corner of the Kessling Wetland where the water is more protected from high winds and disturbance. There are many logs in this area that the turtles sun themselves on. They also especially enjoy the soft bottom and ample vegetation of Kessling Wetland.
Behler, J.L., & F.W. King. (1979). National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Reptiles and Amphibians. New York, NY. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Blue Vervain (Verbena hastata)
Identified by the bright purple-blue flowers growing in a numerous spikes at the top of the plant, Blue Vervain can grow up to 5 feet tall. The leaves are lance-shaped and coarsely toothed, growing in a opposite pattern along the stalk. Blue Vervain is a fairly common plant in most of North America. It produces seeds that are food for many birds, including several species of sparrows, and the cardinal. Verbena moth caterpillars also feed on the leaves, and Blue Vervain serves as the larval host plant for the common buckeye butterfly.
Blue Vervain grows well in the moist soils near wetlands, which explains why it is present in the Kessling Wetland. It can also be found in moist meadows, pastures, riversides, ditches, marshes, and river-bottom prairies.
Newcomb, L., (1977). Newcomb's Wildflower Guide. New York, NY. Little, Brown and Company.
Kirk, S., & S. Belt. (2010). Plant fact sheet for blue vervain (Verbena hastata). Beltsville, MD. USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Norman A. Berg National Plant Materials Center. Retrieved from:
Blue Vervain grows well in the moist soils near wetlands, which explains why it is present in the Kessling Wetland. It can also be found in moist meadows, pastures, riversides, ditches, marshes, and river-bottom prairies.
Newcomb, L., (1977). Newcomb's Wildflower Guide. New York, NY. Little, Brown and Company.
Kirk, S., & S. Belt. (2010). Plant fact sheet for blue vervain (Verbena hastata). Beltsville, MD. USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Norman A. Berg National Plant Materials Center. Retrieved from:
Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens)
Northern Leopard Frogs are found in northern North America from around the Great Lakes, west to the Rocky Mountains, and north to Hudson Bay. These nocturnal, slender frogs have light-colored dorsolateral ridges that span from near the eye to the groin. Between the two ridges, the dark spots have a slight halo of lighter coloring, distinguishing them from the Southern Leopard Frogs which lack the halo appearance.
Northern Leopard Frogs are found in a variety of habitats ranging from moist fields, to mountains, to brackish marshes, to freshwater wetlands. The Kessling Wetland provides much cover for these frogs along the edge of the open water, and has an abundance of food sources available for these frogs. As described in an earlier post, all frog species are tied to the water throughout their life cycle.
Northern Leopard Frogs are found in a variety of habitats ranging from moist fields, to mountains, to brackish marshes, to freshwater wetlands. The Kessling Wetland provides much cover for these frogs along the edge of the open water, and has an abundance of food sources available for these frogs. As described in an earlier post, all frog species are tied to the water throughout their life cycle.
Behler, J.L., & F.W. King. (1979). National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Reptiles and Amphibians. New York, NY. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Creative Reflection:
The wetland comes to life,
rebounding from the storm.
The storm can't blow it down.
The wind can't break its spirit.
The sun shines brightly on a new day.
The animals continue their will to survive.
The storm can't blow it down.
The wind can't break its spirit.
Life in the wetland can't stop.
Life in the wetland won't stop.
The storm can't blow it down.
The wind can't break its spirit.