Field Observations:
This was such a beautiful afternoon to spend in a wetland. The sky was dotted with puffy white clouds that drifted lazily along. A soft breeze kept me cool while wading through the shoreline under the toasty 80 degree (F) heat of the early afternoon sun. What started as a quick half hour distraction from working on homework quickly turned into almost two hours of relaxation while attempting to capture the incredible beauty and diversity that lives in this small wetland.
After a short detour to grab my rubber boots, I made the short walk to the northeastern edge of the wetland and began to explore. I was delighted to see the return of my beloved dragonflies, but this time, they were joined by several butterflies. It was a joy to watch them interact and compete for the best place to land on the elegant swamp milkweed flowers. The swamp milkweed plants are still producing stunning flowers that continually attract insects. Some of the older blooms are starting to die back, but these seem to be continually replaced by another flower nearby. After spending so many hours this summer visiting this wetland, I am proud to say that I am starting to be able to identify a few of the dragonfly and butterfly species without needing to constantly reference a field guide.
As I continued my observations, headed to the south along the eastern shore, I noticed the incredible number of frogs that live along the shoreline. I still have difficulty noticing them before they scurry under the algae and floating plants for cover. It seems that after a few days of relatively calm weather, the thick layer of algae and floating vegetation has returned to take its place as a blanket across the surface of much of the open water.
Upon reaching the southeastern corner, near the small outlet of the pond, I had the amazing opportunity to watch several giant swallowtail butterflies interact as they fluttered between blooming swamp milkweed flowers. It was breathtaking to watch as one of the butterflies would follow another from flower to flower, always hovering a few inches behind it. Usually I have much difficulty coming close enough to take a quality picture of butterflies, but these giant swallowtails appeared to have no interest in my presence. I would have stayed there to watch them interact all afternoon, but alas, I eventually had to move on.
Along the western shore, I decided to venture out from the land and into the shallow waters along the shore. In doing so, I was able to better see how the plants are limited by water depth changes and bottom soil types. I noticed this because as I started to move to different depths and soil types, it became increasingly more difficult for me to take a step in the water without losing my boot to the suction of the mucky sediment. I also was able to see more frogs and turtles attempting to hide under logs, between branches, and in emergent vegetation. When I waded out into the water near the northwestern corner of the wetland, much to my surprise, I stirred up a single duck and a great blue heron. Later that day, I again saw this single duck splashing around and possibly playing with the families of geese that are now less frequent visitors of the wetland.
Winter Survival of Wetland Species:
Winter in wetlands can be a brutal place. Temperatures plummet below freezing, leaves die and fall off of trees, the days are short, the water is frozen, but the wetland is still alive. Although at first glance, the brown of dead and dormant emergent vegetation my fool you into thinking that the life in the wetland is gone, there are many strategies that the plants use to keep coming back, year after year.
One of the most common strategies to survive the winter is dormancy. This is a physiological process that is triggered by the gradual decrease in the length of daylight hours. Important compounds for plant growth, such as nitrogen, phosphorous, and carbohydrates are transported from the leaves to the permanent tissues of the plant, such as the stem or rootstock. The leaves then produce a hormone called abscissic acid which stops the continued growth of the plant, forcing it into dormancy. By becoming dormant, the plant is able to focus its energy on preserving the necessary compounds to restart growth until the days become longer at the beginning of spring.
Animals are not all able to simply turn themselves off for the long winter months. Painted turtles will dig down into the mud below the ice and hibernate until the spring arrives. They are actually able to survive for several months without oxygen with their body temperature hovering a few degrees above freezing. This is possible even when the air temperature is reaching well below the freezing mark, since the layers of snow and mud act as insulators, conserving heat and keeping the cold-blooded turtle alive.
Cox, D.D. (2002). A Naturalist's Guide to Wetland Plants: An Ecology for Eastern North America. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press
Ducks Unlimited. (2014). Wetlands in Winter. Retrieved from:
Jackson, D.C. (2002). Hibernating without oxygen: physiological adaptations of the painted turtle. The Journal of Physiology. 543(pt3): 731-737.
One of the most common strategies to survive the winter is dormancy. This is a physiological process that is triggered by the gradual decrease in the length of daylight hours. Important compounds for plant growth, such as nitrogen, phosphorous, and carbohydrates are transported from the leaves to the permanent tissues of the plant, such as the stem or rootstock. The leaves then produce a hormone called abscissic acid which stops the continued growth of the plant, forcing it into dormancy. By becoming dormant, the plant is able to focus its energy on preserving the necessary compounds to restart growth until the days become longer at the beginning of spring.
Animals are not all able to simply turn themselves off for the long winter months. Painted turtles will dig down into the mud below the ice and hibernate until the spring arrives. They are actually able to survive for several months without oxygen with their body temperature hovering a few degrees above freezing. This is possible even when the air temperature is reaching well below the freezing mark, since the layers of snow and mud act as insulators, conserving heat and keeping the cold-blooded turtle alive.
Cox, D.D. (2002). A Naturalist's Guide to Wetland Plants: An Ecology for Eastern North America. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press
Ducks Unlimited. (2014). Wetlands in Winter. Retrieved from:
Jackson, D.C. (2002). Hibernating without oxygen: physiological adaptations of the painted turtle. The Journal of Physiology. 543(pt3): 731-737.
Four New Species:
Monarch (Danaus plexippus)
Characterized by the stunning black and orange pattern, this large (4 inch) butterfly is truly majestic. Commonly confused with the viceroy butterfly, the two can be distinguished by taking a close look at the pattern of black veins across the orange wings. Monarch caterpillars feed on milkweed leaves, a common flowering plant around the Kessling wetland. The adult butterflies also feed on the milkweed, but as adults, they drink the nectar of the flowers instead of eating the leaves, and can be found anywhere that milkweed plants are flowering.
It is interesting to point out that Monarchs migrate 2,000 miles from Canada to Mexico every year. Since the lifespan of a single butterfly is not long enough to complete such a long journey, the females lay eggs along the way. It will take about four generations of Monarchs, each taking the place of the previous generation, to complete the journey from Canada to Mexico.
It is interesting to point out that Monarchs migrate 2,000 miles from Canada to Mexico every year. Since the lifespan of a single butterfly is not long enough to complete such a long journey, the females lay eggs along the way. It will take about four generations of Monarchs, each taking the place of the previous generation, to complete the journey from Canada to Mexico.
Milne, L., & M. Milne. (1980). National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Insects and Spiders. New York, NY. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Silky Dogwood (Cornus drummondi)
There are several species of dogwood plants, many of which are found in wet places, such as around wetlands. The Silky Dogwood, with silky-hairy twigs and smooth leaves, is similar to a few other species of dogwood. The shrub can reach a height of up to 10 feet and produce bluish berries that grow in clusters. The Kessling Wetland is an ideal habitat for Silky Dogwood since it flourishes in moist, poorly drained, moderately acidic to neutral soils which are present around the shoreline of the wetland. Silky Dogwood is shade tolerant, but is not well adapted for droughts.
Petrides, G.A.. (1972). Peterson Field Guide to Trees and Shrubs. New York, NY. Houghton Mifflin Company.
USDA & NRCS. (2002). Plant Fact Sheet: Silky Dogwood. Retrieved from:
Common Cottonwood (Populus deltoides)
A tall tree that stands proud adjacent to the wetland, the Common Cottonwood is easy to identify. There is a Swamp Cottonwood, but it is identified by having a more rounded appearance in its leaf shape than the Common Cottonwood.
The Common Cottonwood, much like the Swamp Cottonwood, enjoy the consistently moist soils associated with the edge of wetlands, much like the Kessling Wetland. Since the soils along the edge of wetlands are often well saturated with water, large trees, such as the Common Cottonwood, develop a sprawling, extensive root system.
Missouri Botanical Garden. (2014). Populus deltoides. Retrieved from:
Petrides, G.A.. (1972). Peterson Field Guide to Trees and Shrubs. New York, NY. Houghton Mifflin Company.
Petrides, G.A.. (1972). Peterson Field Guide to Trees and Shrubs. New York, NY. Houghton Mifflin Company.
Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris arundinacea)
This non-native grass has the potential, much like the narrow-leafed cattail, to invade much of the rest of the wetland. Reed Canary Grass thrives in wet, slightly disturbed soils, making the Kessling Wetland an ideal habitat. Reed Canary Grass is a cool season grass that can grow up to 6 feet tall. It reproduces via rhizomes, horizontal stems that grow below the soil surface, sprouting a new plant nearby. Since rhizomes do not travel far from the parent plant, Reed Canary Grass tends to form in thick mats that completely block the growth of other plants.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. (2014). Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris arundinacea). Retrieved from:
Creative Reflection:
Chasing Butterflies...
I have recently become attuned to my love of things that fly. After looking through the many pictures that I have taken over the past few weeks, I noticed that well over half of them are of birds, dragonflies, butterflies, or attempts at taking pictures of them. Actually, very few of the pictures that I have taken of birds have come close to looking like a picture of a bird. Dragonflies have been my favorite so far to photograph because of their tendency to perch on twigs and stems, also making them easier to focus upon. While doing my observations this week, I was thrilled to be able to get close enough to these giant swallowtail butterflies to finally take some quality pictures.
"Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you."
~ Nathaniel Hawthorne
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